Wednesday, March 6, 2013

1 Month

I feel like our sweet girl has changed so much in the first month of her life, there is something new about her almost daily. I love watching her discover something new and being able to figure her out better. Jordan and I both feel like Peyton has been pretty hefty from the start and it never really seemed like she was super small or fragile. We got to hang out with Miss Harper who is eight months old and compared to her she did seem very small. We have already outgrown most of her newborn clothes and there were lots of super cute outfits we didn’t even get to wear. These subtle changes remind me just how quickly these precious moments go by.

When Peyton was 2 ½ weeks old Jordan had to go out of town for seven days which was so so difficult for the three of us. Luckily during this time Peyton and I got to go back to Kentucky and hang out with our friends and family. We are very very lucky to have such wonderful friends and family who came to visit us and help take care of us while my awesome hubby was out of town. During the 7 days that Jordan was gone she changed so much and I was very sad he missed out on these fleeting moments. She started having more awake time where she was happy, before it seemed like when she was awake she was unhappy. The first few weeks seemed like we were just trying to get to know our little girl and what she liked and what she needed to be happy. Now that we know she likes to be bounced a lot and look at lights and snuggle we all are much happier. She has started to coo, make noises and smile, especially in the morning when she is most happy. Peyton does not like to be swaddled what so ever and if her arms or hands are restricted in any way she is not a happy camper.

We have not been on any particular schedule since she was born and we have kind of let her run the show, she sleeps and eats when she wants to. Starting this week we are changing this and trying to get on more of a regular schedule. She is still only sleeping for about 3 to 3 ½ hours at night. It has been quite the challenge to get her to sleep anywhere besides on me. If I want to get anything done during the day I usually have to put her in my Baby K’tan sling and then she is quite content. She really likes to sleep on her side or stomach on her boppy but I only let her do this when I’m awake to watch her and make sure she doesn’t slide down and can’t breathe. I would like her to sleep in her crib sometime soon so hopefully we can get this sleep thing figured out and get her in her own room. I introduced a pacifier very early because breastfeeding was going so well I wasn’t worried about it and our little girl always wants to suck. Unfortunately she doesn’t much care for the pacifier but I’m pretty sure she is going to be a thumb sucker. She already puts her fist to her mouth and it’s only a matter of time until she finds that thumb. 

This week we started using her cloth diapers, we had to wait until she bulked up a little bit so they would fit. They are a little bulky on her but I am so glad we are able to use these now. It’s amazing how many diapers baby’s go through in a single day. She was also getting a really bad diaper rash despite constantly changing her diapers and treating it with medicine. Since changing to cloth it immediately went away.

My recovery has gone fairly well so far although I still feel like we have a ways to go. It is somewhat uncomfortable to engage my abdominal muscles and one of the things I miss the most is to just be able to laugh as hard as I would like. I can definitely tell when I’ve overdone it for the day because I will be very sore and feel like I can’t stand up all the way. I am really looking forward to being able to exercise but I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be able to do that.

This first month has been so wonderful and I can’t wait to see what will change by month 2.
Happy Valentine's Day

This girl loves her bath time
Having fun on her play mat
Snuggle time with dad

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