Thursday, July 26, 2012

1st Appointment

So of course the day I finally got a positive test, I excitedly called my OB/GYN. I wasn’t really sure what the next step would be but I was pretty anxious to find out. When I called they made an appointment for four weeks out. FOUR WEEKS! Four weeks felt like absolutely forever away! Luckily the next four weeks were going to be very busy for us. We had a trip to Hilton Head planned and a couple of trips back to Kentucky planned. So the weeks came and went and FINALLY it was time to see the doctor!

I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that I was pretty nervous! I knew that God would not have blessed us with a child without having a greater plan in place for us. I also knew that we had to trust in His plan and that my worrying would not benefit, Jordan, myself or the baby. Still … I was nervous. The only evidence I had thus far that I was pregnant was a positive test. Also, I hadn’t had many symptoms at all and honestly had been feeling pretty great.

When the nurse brought me back and checked my vitals, my blood pressure was through the roof. So I tried to breathe deep and calm myself down and that helped a bit. I was so happy that the very next thing on the to-do list was an ultrasound. So finally we were about to get some other confirmation that a baby was growing inside of me! The tech immediately confirmed that there was indeed a healthy growing baby in my belly! The heartbeat was strong and steady at 171 bpm. We were able to confirm the due date of Jan 28th. I was kind of surprised that we weren’t able to hear the heartbeat, we were just able to see it on the sonogram machine. I was told that we could hear the heartbeat at our next appointment.

The doctor informed us that because everything looked so good that the chance of miscarriage was less than 1%. I was surprised that the percentage wasn’t higher but man did this information put me at ease! When we moved to Huntsville I didn’t know which doctor to see and didn’t really know anyone to get a recommendation from. So I ended up just picking an OB/GYN from the local hospital. We totally lucked out picking him, he is absolutely wonderful. Since starting to see him I have met several people that also see him and have nothing but wonderful things to say.

So four more weeks to wait until our next appointment … but many exciting events in the meantime. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sharing The Good News -- Part 2

So after a week long fabulous vacation with my family it was time to go back to Alabama. This was made much easier by knowing that we still had our good news to share with the other people we love! So the weekend after vacation we made a trip back to Lexington to tell Jordan’s family. First we told Jeremy and Sally because they were not able to come to dinner that night. So Jordan went fishing with Jeremy and told him the way guys share news about a baby I guess. Meanwhile I went to hang out with Sally and the kids. While Sally was away for a moment I was able to tell Jack and Anna. They are both very familiar with what having a baby in your belly means because they have two other aunts that are pregnant as well. So luckily for me, no further explanation was necessary. So when Sally returned the kids yelled “Shellain has a baby in her belly”. Of course lots of hugs and smiles ensued.

We wanted to share the news with each individual family separately so we had time to see each reaction and talk to them about it afterwards. So when Jordan’s parents came home from work and before Justin and Nichole came over, we wanted to tell them. Jeremy and Sally ended up coming over for a bit so they could take pictures of Rick and Brenda’s reaction.  When Brenda came in from work Ms. Anna was so excited to not only see Grandma but she also had a secret to keep! Well that secret was just too much for her to keep in because she was so excited about it! So when She talked to Grandma for a minute she let the news slip! It was just so cute, that she was so happy for her Aunt Shellain and Uncle Jordan. Needless to say we didn’t get any pictures but it was still very memorable!

Next up to tell was Justin and Nichole! When they came over with the kids we stuck to our original plan. While we were on vacation Steven took fabulous pictures for us. So we stuck our announcement pictures in with other vacation pictures. While they were flipping through other vacation pictures they would stumble upon our announcement pictures. Of course there was more excitement and hugs to come our way! I can’t explain how much fun it is to share such wonderful news about our family with everyone who cares about us!

One thing I have noticed while telling little kids that there is a baby in my belly is their eyes go directly to my stomach. Of course it looks nowhere close to having a baby in it this early but it is so cute to see the puzzlement on their faces.

I have attached the pictures that we used to share the news with Jordan’s family. Steven did such an awesome job with these! He really should consider changing careers. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spreading The Good News -- Part 1.

Well the time had finally come when I was able to Jordan our joyous news! Turns out he had a very rough and long day at work and the only thing he was concerned about when he got home was getting some food in his belly. I had already decided how I was going to tell him but I needed it to be the right time. So we ate dinner while the entire time I had to keep quite which was no easy feat. Jordan knew I was acting kind of weird but he thought that I was going to try to convince him to go home that weekend. I had originally told him that we would find out if the Clomid worked on Friday but I took the test one day early, so he was not expecting any kinda baby news on this day, which was Thursday. After we had dinner I took the dogs back into our room. I had made them handkerchiefs to wrap around their neck which said, “I’m gonna be a big sister!”. So after I finally got these on the dogs I let them loose into the kitchen which is where Jordan was. At first he didn’t notice so I told him that the girls had something they wanted to tell him.

He finally looked at Sofie first and looked very confused, then he looked at Lola. After about 60 seconds he finally figured it out and the look on his face was priceless. I so wish I could have taken a video of this whole scene, I will remember it forever. After many hugs and kisses later he promptly informed me that I had tricked him because he wasn’t thinking about anything baby related until Friday. For the rest of the evening we talked about what kind of parents we hoped to be, what gender the baby would be, how the dogs would react to a baby and so on. I think the only decisive decision we came up with was a name! Boy or girl baby Satterwhites’ name will be Peyton.

For the next week we tried to come up with ways to tell our families. We decided we would tell my mom, dad and sister the following week because we were going to be on vacation in Hilton Head with them and there was no way I could keep a secret for any longer than I already had. So Shapell and Steven ended up coming down on Friday afternoon so they could ride to Hilton Head with us. So we ended up telling them on Friday night and told my mom and dad on Saturday when we first got to the beach house. See the pictures below on how we ended up telling them! 

 This is the pictures I put into the picture frame with the names Peyton would call them! 
 I think this face says it all. 

Big News!!!

Well turns out The Satterwhite household is expecting some big changes in January 2013. Jordan and I will be anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first child (hopefully, of many).  Now I have to be honest, I was very hesitant about this whole blog thing. But you see I have this sister-in-law who insisted this was necessary. Also since we have so many friends and family back in Kentucky that we don’t speak to nearly enough, I thought this would be a good way to keep everyone up to date.  I feel as though I must warn you that I tend to not use much discretion, so you may get more information than you bargained for. So back to the point ….

In October 2011 Jordan and I found out that we would be relocating from our beloved Lexington, KY to the very unknown Huntsville, AL. Over the last few years Jordan and I had many discussions about when to start a family but there was always one reason or another to postpone this next adventure. Once we found out that Jordan would be home every day with his new position, as opposed to being gone throughout the week with his previous position, we began more discussions. So after many prayers and more discussion we decided to take the plunge, in November of 2011 we began trying to start a family. At the very beginning of January 2012 we made the move to Alabama. The adjustments began and we started getting settled into a normal routine in this new “home”.

But after months of trying to conceive and many a books being read and many many negative pregnancy tests later I began to wonder … was something wrong? Jordan and I prayed daily about the plan God had for us and if a child was in that plan. We tried not to get discouraged though and knew that there was a plan for us, weather that included a child of our own or not, we had no idea! We have always been very open to adoption and still plan on pursing this in the future. After having a few negative experiences with some doctors here I finally found a fabulous doctor! This doctor did some blood work and figured out that I was not ovulating, which of course means … no baby. In May my doctor went ahead and prescribed me Clomid even though we had not been trying to conceive for a whole year. Well some blood work revealed that I had indeed ovulated which was awesome news but still didn’t know if we were pregnant. 10 very long days later, I was finally able to take a test and for the very first time after many many tests it was POSITIVE!!!!

Well you can imagine my elation of this news! I immediately began to cry, which I don’t do. This I would find out later was going to be a very common theme during my pregnancy.  I couldn’t believe that Clomid had worked the first time. I was so confused with everything I was feeling, I went and mowed the yard which always helps me sort things out. For the rest of the day I planned on how I would tell Jordan, which was so exciting. I kept imagining how he would react and the things I couldn’t wait to talk to him about. 

Well I’m out of time for today but check back soon to see how I ended up sharing the news with my beloved husband!